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–On the Show:
–Bill Press, host of “The Bill Press Show” and contributor to the Huffington Post and the Hill, joins David to discuss his new memoir “From the Left: A Life in the Crossfire”
–Just two days before qualifying for his pension, Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in a clear political hit job that resulted in President Trump celebrating on Twitter
–The AP reports that now-fired Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe wrote memos about his conversations with Donald Trump after the meetings took place, leading to criticism from the president that they were faked because he didn’t ever see McCabe writing memos
–Special counsel Robert Mueller subpoenas the Trump organization for documents pertinent to the ongoing Russia probe, crossing Donald Trump’s “red line” that could potentially lead to Trump firing Mueller
–Four package bombs detonate in just over two weeks in Austin, Texas which have resulted in the deaths of two people, the injuries of four, and a city in chaos searching for the perpetrator(s)
–Michael Avenatti, adult film actress Stormy Daniels’ attorney, says in CNN interviews that six other women have stories of alleged affairs with Donald Trump, including some from while he was president and some of whom have nondisclosure agreements, and that his client was physically threatened into silence
–Ivanka Trump will sit in for now-fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson at a meeting with the South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha, in the latest chapter of Ivanka Trump furthering her conflicts of interest and skirting anti-nepotism laws
–On the Bonus Show: Finland is the world’s happiest country, NASA twins experience gene difference after one goes to space, the male contraceptive pill is closer to development, and much more…
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