This Week on Midweek Politics with David Pakman – July 15th, 2009
Produced by:
David Pakman, WXOJ, Northampton, MA
Louis Motamedi, WXOJ, Northampton, MA
Total Running Time: 56:34
MP3 Podcast: Available with entire Midweek Politics Archive for Members
This Week’s Topics:
–Abbie Goldberg, author of Lesbian and Gay Parents and Their Children, joins us live on the show to talk about whether or not children of gay parents actually end up worse off during their lives.
–Ray Comfort, TV co-host and bestelling author, joins us live to discuss what he thinks is a controversial and dirty Calvin Klein billboard in New York.
–Confirmation hearings for Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, including what she would have to do at this point to prevent confirmation.
–Commentary from Sotomayor about empathy, abortion, and the rule of law, as well as questions on those topics from a number of Senators.
–Followup from less known legal scholars such as The View’s Elisabeth Hasselbeck, as well as former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez.
–The continuing saga of Sarah Palin, including reaction from John McCain, who says she did not quit her job as Governor of Alaska, and Newt Gingrich, who says she could easily be the Vice-President or Presidential nominee for the Republicans in 2012.
–A bizarre segment from the Fox news morning show, including comments from Brian Kilmeade along the lines of eugenics, suggesting that in the US, people marry different species, and that in Finland and Sweden, people have pure genes.
–A single payer health care hearing relegated to CSPAN3 where Dennis Kucinich tears into a conservative Canadian doctor.
–Much more in the Midweek Politics Members Podcast:
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