This Week on Midweek Politics with David Pakman / September 8th, 2010
Total Running Time: 60:00
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–Mike Lux, CEO of Progressive Strategies and blogger at and The Huffington Post, joins is live to discuss the upcoming elections, Democratic and Republican strategy, and more.
–The first show at the new Midweek Politics studio, still with many kinks to be work out.
–Producer Louis and his band lied about his age to be allowed into a battle of the bands contest, and emails continue to pour in about him.
–After we interviewed Koran Burner Terry Jones about a month ago, the story is now making national headlines.
–Lisa Murkowski has conceded to Joe Miller in Alaska, and it reveals a Tea Party rift that Republicans seem to not want to talk about.
–The Sarah Palin Tea Party contingent of the Republican Party, if successful, will significantly hurt Republicans in the upcoming election.
–Ohio Tea Party favorite Eric Deaton has been indicted on child sex charges, and we wonder if his endorsement from Vote Family Values is ironic.
–Governor Jan Brewer melts down at a recent Arizona Gubernatorial debate during which she almost forgets her entire opening statement, blatantly refuses to answer about fabricated beheading charges, walks away from reporters, and then says she only did the debate in the first place to qualify for public campaign funding and will not be doing any more debates.
–Joe Miller explains that his campaign, much like Joan Heffington told us about her honest attorneys group, is financed by God, in a recent email invitation to a fundraiser where his campaign would provide water and soda.
–David Plouffe will not rule out a possible run for President by Hillary Clinton in 2012, and we wonder about a possible Obama-Clinton ticket.
–An audience voicemail makes us consider whether Barack Obama is doing something wrong by speaking at the Pentagon instead of at Ground Zero during the upcoming 9-11 anniversary.
–It turns out Hitler was Jewish, and we wonder whether he might have known about it all along, and if not, if he believed in his cause so much that he would have exterminated himself had he found out while still alive.
–Followup to the Glenn Beck Restoring Honor rally, including a comparison from Beck of his rally to revolution that led to the slaves being freed.
–In what David Pakman considers a huge mistake, the White House actually comes out defending claims from some, including Glenn Beck, that Obama is a mainstream Christian.
–The iPad giveaway continues, audience voicemails and emails about the New York Muslim cabbie stabbing, Michelle Bachmann being called an expert on the constitution, and more.
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