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September 1, 2010

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This Week on Midweek Politics with David Pakman / September 1st, 2010

Total Running Time: 60:00

MP3 Podcast: Join the David Pakman Show Membership Program for access to our entire podcast archive

This Week’s Topics:

–William Murray, Chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition in Washington DC joins us to discuss why he is against the Lower Manhattan Community Center, why he claims it is at Ground Zero, is a Mosque, and discusses why he can understand claims that Barack Obama is a Muslim, and we wonder what the remaining troops in Iraq will be doing.

–The iPad giveaway continues, and people wonder if we’ll ship to Singapore.

–Barack Obama’s “out of Iraq” speech contained few surprises, drew varied and amazing criticism from the right involving George W. Bush, family pictures, and more.

–After almost two years of complaining that George W. Bush is mentioned too much when discussing what Barack Obama is and is not doing, conservative are angry that George W. Bush’s actions prior to Obama taking office were not discussed enough during Obama’s speech.

–During a story about poor treatment of US troops, instead of focusing on poor pay, poor post-war treatment, or sending troops into preemptive dubious wars, Fox News chooses to focus on the unlikely possibility that some troops will not receive their absentee ballots.

–Judge Andrew Napolitano refers to Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann as a well-known expert on the constitution, and we wonder what it says about Andrew Napolitano.

–Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally in Washington DC, including Beck’s fixation on Martin Luther King, the overall boring nature of the entire rally, Beck weeping during his speech, and more.

–Sarah Palin showed up at the Restoring Honor rally as well, and we can be sure she did plenty of refudiating, while Glenn Beck thanked God for a $600,000 donation made to the rally.

–North Korea gets a Facebook account, claims to like men, and posts incredible videos including dogs at a North Korean zoo with bizarre music, and incredible techno music over a North Korean cityscape. We wonder if North Korean likes men as a sign of misogyny, or as an indication the country is itself homosexual.

–A New York cabbie is stabbed after being asked by 21-year-old Michael Enright whether he is a Muslim, and we look at the entire story including possible connections to recent media outrage over the so-called Ground Zero Mosque, responsible commentary from Joe Scarborough, and the expected denials from Fox News and Laura Ingraham.

–New station airing Midweek Politics in New York and Ohio.

–A fascinating voicemail left on the Midweek Politics line from a woman claiming David Pakman is both a complete idiot, and intelligent and handsome, as well as a handwritten letter that we cannot tell if is real or a parody.

–The pro-anti producer Louis discussion continues with emails flooding in from both sides of the argument, plus email about the Best of the Left Podcast, Walid Shoebat, and more.

–Much more in the Midweek Politics Members Podcast:

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