This Week on The David Pakman Show / November 8th, 2010
MP3 Podcast: Join The David Pakman Show Membership to get access to the full archive of shows starting in 2005. See the complete transcript.
On the Show:
–Keith Olbermann’s suspension from MSNBC, the end of the suspension, his donations, and all the factors that may have been at play in what happened, including Comcast and more.
–All the reasons to get rid of moving the clocks back, including violence, depression, and energy use, as well as Louis’ confusion over DST where he though we moved 24 hours forward instead of one hour back.
–Midterm election fallout continues, including Republicans proving they know the word “repudiate,” was John Boehner drunk when he cried, and Michele Bachmann’s trance-like hypnosis with Chris Matthews.
–Republicans are getting increasingly upset with the Tea Party over having cost them control of the Senate, and we agree.
–Our current poll asks whether the Tea Party will actually be able to pass any of their proposed ideas, as few as they are.
–We ask the audience which authors and books that have been pitched they would like to see interviewed on the show.
–The liberal gene has been discovered, and we look at all aspects of the news, including whether it will filter into another anti-stem cell research conspiracy among conservatives.
–Oklahoma SQ755 passes with overwhelming support, which disallows the use of Sharia Law in deciding American court cases, but contrary to the beliefs of extremists, SQ755 is both unnecessary and malicious.
–A young Asian man disguised as an old white man is caught when he arrives in Canada on a flight coming from Asia.
–David Pakman might actually be interested in reading George W. Bush’s new book “Decision Points,” and we look at the Kanye West George Bush Doesn’t Care About Black People incident, which Bush calls the worst moment of his presidency in the book, and more.
–Audience emails, including claims that David Pakman is the worst host ever, that he should be deported, that people from Argentina are snotty, and even some positive emails.
–Much more in The David Pakman Show Members Podcast:
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