This Week on The David Pakman Show / September 5th, 2011
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On the Show:
–Fred Karger, the first openly gay Republican presidential candidate, joins us to talk about his campaign, his thoughts on the Republican Party being almost completely anti-gay rights, why he is a Republican, and more.
–David Pakman tshirts now being worn in heavily trafficked coffee shops.
–It’s Labor Day, and Republicans are cheering bad jobs numbers with the hope of using them against Democrats.
–John Boehner says no to Obama’s jobs speech scheduling, but it seems Republicans should have allowed it and used it to their advantage…mistake?
–Senator Jim DeMint says it will be difficult to watch President Obama’s jobs speech, which brings up serious questions about his ability to be a Senator.
–Ron Paul supporters are more angry, violent, and threatening with David than after any other interview ever done on the show since David’s interview with Paul supporter Robin Koerner.
–We can’t tell if a Romney supporter praising him for creating jobs with his huge mansion upgrade is a parody, plant, or real.
–Can Republican ever really appeal to young voters?
–Help us catch up to The Young Turks in donations.
–Playing David Pakman Show trivia live with Ben from Washington.
–A Cincinnati father, 24 years old, is dead because he couldn’t afford dental care.
–Emails and voicemails about marijuana, Texas, and more.
–On the Bonus Show: iPad prototype left at a bar AGAIN, breakfast as we know it is a scam, docs point to close tie between Ghaddafi and CIA, more.
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