Today on The David Pakman Show / October 30, 2013
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On the Show:
–Dr. Faheem Younus, President of the Baltimore Chapter of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA and a Senior Fellow at the Hoffberger Center for Ethics at the University of Baltimore, joins David for a discussion about drone strikes
–American support for the death penalty is at its lowest point in 40 years
–A spokeswoman for Concerned Women for America discourages young people from getting health insurance
–Rand Paul gives speeches plagiarized from Wikipedia
–A 5th grader is attacked by a police dog during a “simulated drug raid” in a school
–Hatriot mail
–Bryan Fischer warns that the military is preparing to kill Christians
–Virginia Republican candidate E.W. Jackson thinks that Yoga leads to Satan
–Will the Red Sox win the world series?
–Blue states win more sports championships
–Voicemail from homeless Darryl and from the Eggman about Darryl
–On the Bonus Show: A Nevada lawmaker says he’d vote for slavery if that’s what his constituents want, A city sues Sriracha, Our sales department fiasco, more…
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