Today on The David Pakman Show / October 24, 2013
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On the Show:
–Luke Vargas, United Nations correspondent for Talk Radio News, joins David from Jordan to discuss the refugee crisis and his trip through the country
–A Benghazi heckler interrupts a Hillary Clinton speech
–Pirates seize two Americans off the Nigerian coast
–Germany believes the US tapped Chancellor Angela Merkel’s phone
–Pat Robertson tells a Mother who can’t heal her son’s deafness that she is doing something wrong
–A 13-year-old boy holding a fake rifle is shot dead by police
–An 11-year-old is accused of bringing a gun and 400 rounds of ammunition to school
–A Texas ‘safari club’ will be auctioning a chance to kill an endangered rhino in the name of conservation
–Men’s rights activist Paul Elam understands not caring about female rape victims
–A black teen is cuffed for buying an expensive belt
–Voicemail from the Eggman and Diabetic Darryl
–On the Bonus Show: Swedes are testing higher in English than in Swedish, David observes some fruititarians on Facebook, Voicemail on what gets us “irate,” more…
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