Today on The David Pakman Show / October 20, 2014
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On the Show:
–Dave Pounder, retired adult film producer, director, performer, and author of the book Obscene Thoughts: A Pornographer’s Perspective on Sex, Love, and Dating, joins David to discuss the dangerous slippery slope of firing people because their previous employment is deemed offensive or immoral
–Ebola panic: A teacher in Maine is suspended after visiting Dallas
–Obama appoints Ron Klain, a man with no medical experience, as an additional Ebola czar
–Why an Ebola flight ban would accomplish nothing
–A high school soccer team chants “Ebola” at a west African player
–Louie Gohmert claims that nurses infected with Ebola are part of a Democratic plan
–Noteworthy Amazon items
–The Trans-Pacific Partnership will censor the internet and stifle free speech
–Florida Governor Rick Scott refuses to answer a question on the state’s same-sex marriage ban
–Edward Smith, a 63-year-old Washington man, admits to having sex with over 700 cars
–The Tom Corbett campaign uses Photoshop to add a black woman into a photo of Tom
–Voicemail on older viewers, membership and the “because America” slogan
–On the Bonus Show: How men and women view art differently, Lockheed has a breakthrough in fusion energy, E-citizenship in Estonia, more…
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