Today on The David Pakman Show / October 17, 2014
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On the Show:
–Classic Interview: Matt Dworzanczyk, filmmaker, traveler, and Director of ‘DPRK: The Land of Whispers,’ joins David in the first part of an interview discussing his entering North Korea and producing a documentary there
–A gay couple in Texas is kicked out of a cab for kissing
–What would liberated North Koreans find most shocking about the outside world?
–Flashback: The “Ground Zero Mosque” opens to almost no interest
–Flashback: Paul Ryan gets caught in an embarrassing fake photo op at a charity soup kitchen that is non-political and does not support or endorse political candidates
–Flashback: We learn that Arrival ceremonies for slain soldiers are being faked
–Audience Question: If everyone completely passes out of existence when they die what ultimate meaning has life?
–Audience Question: If aliens landed on earth and were friendly, and you were supposed to introduce them to our society, what is the first thing you would show them?
–Audience Question: Louis often says that 80% of people are terrible at their jobs and/or stupid. Is this an elitist point of view, or simply accurate?
–On the Bonus Show: Jews joining ISIS, A Native-American restaurant, Ireland is closing a big tax-loophole, more…
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