Today on The David Pakman Show / March 26, 2015
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On the Show:
–John Smid, former leader of the “ex-gay” movement, joins David to discuss his background, history, and work in the “ex-gay” movement.
–Once-missing soldier Bowe Bergdahl is charged with desertion.
–The co-pilot of the crashed Germanwings flight 9525 reportedly deliberately crashed the plane while the pilot was locked out of the cockpit.
–Lying hypocrite Republican Senator and Presidential candidate Ted Cruz wants you to think he was required to sign up for Obamacare, which is not true.
–Republican Senator and Presidential candidate Ted Cruz equates climate change activists to “flat-Earthers.”
–David recommends the documentary film “20 Feet from Stardom.”
–The Gen Con gaming convention threatens to leave Indiana if Republican Governor Mike Pence signs into law the recent anti-gay “religious freedom” bill, which Pence ultimately signed today.
–California Attorney General Kamala Harris goes to court in an attempt to preemptively void Christian lawyer Matt McLaughlin’s “shoot the gays” ballot initiative.
–Pat Robertson claims liberals want radical violent Islamic law, which directly contradicts his prior claims about liberals being anti-religion.
–We should not have gender-segregated bathrooms and locker rooms.
–Voicemail from the Eggman on his Keurig…
–On the Bonus Show: FDA approves bruise-resistant apples, Finland won’t teach “math” and “history” anymore, big updates about our website and membership program, more…
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