Today on The David Pakman Show / June 4, 2015
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On the Show:
–Solomon Khan, former fellow at the Harvard University Safra Center For Ethics, and head of the data team at Paperless Post, joins David to discuss a new tool for visualizing political donations, and to explain how certain political contributions can be kept completely secret
–Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers are falling fast among Democrats
–Republicans agree with Bernie Sanders on Citizens United
–Fox News’ Megyn Kelly coddles the Duggar Family during a softball interview about molestation at the hands of their son Josh Duggar
–Documentary recommendation: Lady Valor: The Kristin Beck Story
–Our Indiegogo fundraising campaign surges forward:
–Scott Walker explains: Women mostly worry about rape pregnancies “in the initial months”
–Edgar Nernberg, a member of the board of directors of Big Valley’s Creation Science Museum, is unphased after finding a 60 million year old fossil
–Voicemail on George Pataki; a possibly level-headed Republican Presidential candidate
–On the Bonus Show: Following up on Taco Bell’s move to get rid of “artificial ingredients,” bodybuilders and crossfitters are seeking breastmilk, CBS is producing a disturbing new reality show, more…
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