Today on The David Pakman Show / June 3, 2015
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On the Show:
–Erin Garner-Ford, Executive Director of ACT for Women & Girls, joins David to discuss the conservative realities of family planning in parts of California, and the truth about Planned Parenthood
–A new NSA phone-records surveillance bill is passed
–Rand Paul claims that his opponents want an attack on the US so that they can blame it on him
–Wikileaks is offering a $100,000 reward for the hidden parts of the TPP bill
–Hatriot Mail
–An update on our Indiegogo fundraiser:
–Homicide risk is linked to medications
–Fox’s Megyn Kelly is angry over Christian child molester Josh Duggar being linked to Republicans
–Mike Huckabee realizes he could have pretended to be transgender and showered with the girls at school
–Voicemail on why trolls and hatriots might watch our show
–On the Bonus Show: The FBI is using fake companies to fly spy planes over US cities, Sweden gives fathers a third month of parental leave, the President of FIFA steps down amidst a corruption investigation, more…
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