This Week on Midweek Politics with David Pakman – June 10th, 2009
Total Running Time: 56:24
MP3 Podcast: Available with entire Midweek Politics Archive for Members
This Week’s Topics:
–Follow us on Twitter at, ask questions live during the show, all that good stuff.
–Shirley Phelps-Roper from the God Hates Fags Westboro Baptist Church joins us live to talk about gay marriage, how she hates homosexuals and Jews, and plenty more.
–David Pakman’s trip to the New Media Seminar, including run-ins with Sean Hannity, Governor Mike Huckabee, Ed Schultz, Montel Williams, Laura Ingraham, Lou Dobbs, and plenty of others, as well as Rush Limbaugh.
–CNN and Lou Dobbs insist on polling people on the premise of whether President Obama apologizes too much during his speeches.
–Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Mitt Romney also jump in on the apologist bandwagon.
–Barack Obama’s Cairo speech, reaction to it, and criticism about not using the word terrorists enough.
–President Obama’s continued strong approval ratings, and what might drop them soon.
–Two journalists sentenced to prison in North Korea after a meaningless show trial, why it’s absurd, and what might be done about it.
–Fox News is feigning anger at Sacha Baron-Cohen’s stunt during the MTV news awards because his buttocks were showing.
–More news about Sonia Sotomayor, including that Rush Limbaugh may support her, Pat Buchanan is simply race-baiting, and Newt Gringrich says she is not racist, but racialist.
–Much more…
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