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–On the Show:
–Fox News guest Morgan Ortagus confuses Japan and China during a segment about the Japan Olympics, apparently blaming Japan for the genocide of he Uighur minority taking place in China, and none of the panelists correct her
–Fox News host Neil Cavuto calls out Republican Senator James Lankford for his utter hypocrisy on spending and the deficit in relation to Joe Biden vs Donald Trump
–Caller compares the US’s reaction to COVID to its reaction to 9/11
–Caller wonders what will be the result of Texas Democrats protesting the state’s voter suppression bill
–Caller talks about voting rights and the Republican Party
–Caller wants to end exotic pet ownership
–Caller talks about what the US’s response should be to the crisis in Cuba
–Caller discusses right-wing immigrants in America
–Caller compares Trump supporters to scientologists
–Caller wonders whether unvaccinated people with COVID should be a lower priority in hospitals
–Audience Question: What happens to drugs trafficking if drugs are decriminalized?
–Audience Question: When will COVID become the Republican virus?
–Audience Question: Could Trump 2024 spell disaster for Democrats?
–On the Bonus Show: French rush to get vaccines after health pass requirement, Kristi Noem criticizes other Republican governors, Roy Moore loses lawsuit against Sacha Baron Cohen, and much more…
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