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December 28, 2018

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–On the Show:

–A new report from McClatchy DC claims that a cell phone signal puts convicted Donald Trump attorney Michael Cohen near Prague at the time claimed by the Christopher Steele Trump Russia dossier, despite Cohen’s denials

–A hilarious behind-the-scenes video of Jordan Peterson talking to Donald Trump Jr, Kimberly Guilfoyle, and Charlie Kirk makes the rounds

–2018 has been an incredible year for The David Pakman Show

–Caller questions what Bernie Sanders would be able to accomplish as president

–Caller claims she has been defrauded

–Caller believes left-wingers need to rally behind whoever the 2020 Democratic nominee ends up being

–Caller wants David to say positive things about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

–Caller wants advice on how to talk to the Trump-supporting members of his girlfriend’s family

–Audience question: Will Trump survive 2019?

–Audience question: What impact will California moving its primary up 6 months have on the presidential election?

–Audience question: How can we make religion illegal?

–On the Bonus Show: Government shutdown continues, New York City night skyline turns blue, MSNBC’s ratings top Fox News, and much more…

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