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–On the Show:
–Andrew Yang, author, entrepreneur, and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate running on universal basic income, Medicare for All, and human-centered capitalism joins David to discuss UBI and his platform
–Republicans spend millions on the Ohio 12th Congressional district special election and barely hold on in a race that is still officially too close to call between Republican Troy Balderson and Democrat Danny O’Connor in what is another sign that the November midterms might not be good for House Republicans
–For the first time ever, voters repeal a “right to work” law by ballot referendum, as Missouri Republicans see the law which would further repress worker and union rights rejected by voters
–Hatriot Mail is back
–The FCC and its Trump-appointed Chairman Ajit Pai admit they lied when they claimed that the comment submission form was taken down by “hackers” during the debate about repealing Net Neutrality, but Ajit Pai blames Obama
–Contrary to what Donald Trump has most recently claimed, the Trump Tower meeting with Russians to get “dirt on Hillary” Clinton was not “totally legal”
–A Marine is kicked out of the Marines for his role in the white supremacist march that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia
–Voicemail caller claims that people who watch Alex Jones are “insane”
–On the Bonus Show: Pope says death penalty always wrong, mobile phone voting experiment, Snapchat dysmorphia, much more…
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