Today on The David Pakman Show / September 4, 2015
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On the Show:
–Classic Interview: Chris Mooney, author of The Republican Brain, joins us to discuss his book, how liberals and conservatives process information differently and think differently, and more
–Anti-gay clerk Kim Davis is jailed for contempt of court
–An update on the move to Boston
–Flashback: Murray Energy Company CFO Rob Moore denies that Murray Energy miners were forced to attend a Mitt Romney rally without pay, saying the rally was mandatory but that no one was physically forced to go
–Flashback: Christians cite religious persecution after the New England Patriots cut quarterback Tim Tebow
–Flashback: Christian parents are filmed beating their gay son moments after disowning him
–Audience Question: Should animal testing be completely banned?
–Audience Question: Do you personally know Trump supporters? Do you avoid them?
–Audience Question: Should there be restrictions on age differences for marriage?
–On the Bonus Show: The Netflix/Epix film cull, Google is facing antitrust fines everywhere except the US, mass baptism at football practice, more…
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