Today on The David Pakman Show / September 26, 2014
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On the Show:
Classic Interview: Bob Werb, Chariman of the Board of The Space Frontier Foundation, joins us to talk about the future of space exploration and space travel, financing new space projects, what is on the horizon, and more
–The first stealth jet attack on Syria cost more than the Indian mission to Mars
–Police have a much bigger domestic abuse problem than the NFL
–Why won’t straight people get married?
–Flashback: Sarah Palin suggests that Christine O’Donnell speak through Fox News as opposed to the lamestream media, and the absurd things we are learning about Christine O’Donnell are expanding exponentially
–Flashback: David, Louis, and Natan take a psychopathy test and we look at the results / The staff eats edible bugs, including grasshoppers and “mixed bugs” to test out what it might be like if insects become a more common source of protein in the United States
–Flashback: An anti-Obamacare ad features a creepy gynocological exam in an attempt to scare college students
–Audience Question: Should tipping be eliminated? Is it a custom that makes sense?
–Audience Question: When does poor diet cross the line into child abuse?
–Audience Question: What right wing media star would you want as co-host for your show?
–On the Bonus Show: Beer review, Liberia tries to stem deforestation with the help of Norway, an Ebola health team is killed by villagers, more…
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