Today on The David Pakman Show / September 17, 2013
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On the Show:
–Lawrence Wilkerson, Chief of Staff to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, discusses the intelligence case being made in Syria as well as his involvement in Colin Powell’s infamous case to the UN for war in Iraq
–The Navy Yard gunman, Aaron Alexis, had anger issues after rescuing 9/11 victims
–The Navy Yard tragedy and military veterans care
–Alex Jones and other conspiracy theorists are immediately looking for reasons to call the Navy Yard shooting a false flag attack
–Today in show history
–Fix the Family is a Catholic group that doesn’t want women to go to college
–Cindy Jacobs, a self proclaimed prophet, says she healed her own vagina tumor with Jesus
–Pat Robertson explains that faith healing is just like “Santi Claus”
–Fox News guest, Alex Epstein, says that fracking is actually really good for the environment
–David wonders if a help wanted sign he saw in Brooklyn is illegal
–Voicemail on the Washington Redskins and free market regulation
–On the Bonus Show: New York allows people to be buried next to their pets, David Attenborough makes an interesting claim about human evolution, The Twitter IPO and xenophobia, more…
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