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October 6, 2017

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–On the Show:

–Sarah Levin, Senior Legislative Associate for the Secular Coalition for America, joins David to discuss Donald Trump’s plan to repeal the “Johnson Amendment” that prohibits non-profit organizations, including religious institutions, from opposing political candidates

–The drums of war are beating in response to North Korea’s latest ballistic missile test and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) says President Trump is open to going to war with the Kim-Jong Un regime

–Venezuelan authorities seize opposition leaders Leopoldo Lopez and Antonio Ledezma in response to President Nicolas Maduro calling for a vote to elect a special assembly to rewrite the country’s constitution

–This week’s top image from David’s Instagram account

–Hatriot Mail

–Donald Trump’s interview with the Wall Street Journal was a rambling mess, featuring the president calling his son-in-law Jared Kushner a “good boy” and saying his own speech to the Boy Scouts was “the greatest speech ever made to them”

–A lawsuit alleges that The Trump White House collaborated with Fox News on a since-retracted story that DNC staffer Seth Rich was behind the hacks damaging to Hillary Clinton that lead to his murder

–Donald Trump claimed to have consulted with generals and military experts on his transgender military ban, but when asked to provide a list of generals and experts, Navy Captain Jeff Davis said he cannot provide them

–Voicemail wonders if David feels bad for the new White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders

–On the Bonus Show: Sheriff Joe Arpaio guilty of contempt, Trump cabinet members having weekly bible study, Jared Kushner offers “no solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and much more…

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