Today on The David Pakman Show / October 6, 2014
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On the Show:
–“Jackie Keaton”, a former Time Warner Cable retention agent, joins David to discuss training, strategies, and techniques employed by Time Warner to prevent people from cancelling service and to attempt to upsell people when they try to cancel, outlining why their customer service is so despised
–Thomas Eric Duncan, the first Ebola patient diagnosed in the United States, is now in critical condition as two new Ebola patients arrive in the US
–Nurses are disagreeing with the CDC…hospitals are not ready to deal with Ebola
–Police in Hong Kong start using tear gas as the protests continue
–Mitt Romney said it would take him 4 years to reach a 6% unemployment rate; Obama did it in 2 years
–Noteworthy Amazon items
–White parents sue over a mixed-race baby from a black sperm donor
–The supposed “black on black” crime “epidemic”
–Pam Mazanec, a member of the Colorado Board of Education, said the United States ended slavery “voluntarily”
–Joe the Plumber goes on a racist rant full of misspelled slurs
–Voicemail on Obama’s latte salute
–On the Bonus Show: The world’s first womb-transplant baby is born, NFL players are banned from wearing Beats headphones, The FCC fines Marriott $600,000 for bad behavior, more…
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