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October 2, 2012

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Today on The David Pakman Show / October 2, 2012

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On the Show:

–Mr. Money Mustache, the popular personal finance blogger from, joins David to discuss personal finance, wasting money, and much more.

–The latest Senator Scott Brown vs Elizabeth Warren Massachusetts Senatorial debate turns ugly, and Scott Brown gaffes, citing Antonin Scalia as the Supreme Court Justice he considers to be his ideal justice.

–Michelle Bachmann visits a Chicago synagogue on Yom Kippur, and it drives attendees to leave and donate to her opponent.

–A letter written by Congressman Allen West to his now-wife is leaked that outlines his demands for “non-negotiable” sex acts.

–Mitt Romney official says Mitt Romney is a “lousy candidate.”

–Mitt Romney said when Governor of Massachusetts that “we’d be a lot better off in this country if we had European gas prices.”

–Glenn Beck says that a Romney victory would be the work of God, that God clearly wants Romney to win the election, and likens Mitt Romney to George Washington.

–Christian TV networks, including Daystar Television and The Trinity Broadcasting Network are preparing live coverage for the return of Jesus Christ.

–Rapist demands visitation rights to the child he fathered via the rape, but is the reality what the headlines make it out to be?

–Justin Bieber is discovered to be scalping his own concert tickets.

–Intel ends donations to the Boy Scouts because of their anti-gay policy.

–Voicemail & email on Louis voting, man killing himself & family over Obama, more.

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