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–On the Show:
–Reviewing the 4th Democratic Presidential debate, including the concerted effort to go after Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden asked about Hunter Biden, Bernie Sanders on healthcare, and much more
–This week’s Hatriot Mail
–Donald Trump is effectively in the process of reviving ISIS based on his decision to haphazardly pull US troops from northern Syria, which immediately let to attacks on the Kurds by Turkish forces
–Donald Trump tax documents obtained by ProPublica appear to reveal fraud by Donald Trump, claiming different rent income and values for the same buildings depending on who was receiving those documents, be it his lenders or tax authorities in the state of New York
–Republicans are increasingly abandoning Donald Trump over the Ukraine fiasco, including Republican voters in the key election state of North Carolina, which was won by the Republican presidential candidate in 9 of the last 10 elections but may not go that way in 2020
–Elizabeth Warren’s racist homophobic surrogate, Ashlee Marie Preston, is completely toxic and must be denounced by the Warren campaign after a litany of horrible tweets come to light
–An audio recording of Texas Republican House Speaker Dennis Bonnen surfaces in which Bonnen admits that Trump is “killing us,” referring to Republicans, and the Republican Party is thrown into disarray as as result
–Voicemail caller wonders whether all of the distractions are just a distraction, including the appendectomy, Bernie Sanders, and producer Pat
–On the Bonus Show: NATO defends stance on Turkey/Syria situation, 1-year-old girl dies after being left in hot car all day, Ilhan Omar & AOC endorse Bernie Sanders, much more…
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