Today on The David Pakman Show / October 10, 2013
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On the Show:
–Dr. David Greenfield, Psychologist and Founder of The Center for Internet and Technology Addiction, joins David to discuss technology addiction
–Obama invites all House Republicans to a White House meeting and nearly all of them decline
–Julian Assange claims that Wikileaks movie “The Fifth Estate” is inaccurate and refuses to meet with actor Benedict Cumberbatch
–A McDonald’s employee is arrested after telling the company president that she can’t afford shoes or food for her children
–Only 40% of a chicken nugget is meat
–Pat Robertson warns that demonic objects could cause headaches
–Pat Robertson seems comfused about transgender people and comapres them to his horse
–Elisabeth Hasselbeck thinks that cell phones and air conditioning are “the ugly side” of welfare
–A Riverside police officer tricks an autistic teen into buying pot and then arrests him
–Can you fly with legal marijuana?
–Voicemail on media bias
–On the Bonus Show: The new wave of pyramid schemes, The Carrie marketing campaign, Where does electric waste go?, more…
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