Today on The David Pakman Show / November 6, 2013
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On the Show:
–Avik Roy, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute and author of the blog “The Apothecary,” joins David to discuss his claim that people with Medicaid have worse outcomes than people with no insurance
–2013 election results
–Terry McAuliffe defeats Ken Cuccinelli in the Virginia Governor’s race
–Democrat Bill DeBlasio wins New York City Mayor
–Republican Chris Christie is re-elected as New Jersey Governor
–Mitt Romney thought Chris Christie was too fat to be Vice President
–Hatriot Mail
–John Kerry says that some NSA spying went too far
–Ted Cruz’s dad Rafael Cruz “disproves” evolution
–Anal probes, enemas and a colonoscopy are forced on a driver with no drugs, he then gets billed by the hospital
–A gay teen who ripped out bible pages is suspended by his Texas school
–Voicemail on the McCain/Marine interaction and the Eggman’s take on the Arnie Cole interview about Bibles and porn
–On the Bonus Show: Brazil admits spying, A bigfoot hunt goes bad, A seven-year-old in a KKK costume
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