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–On the Show:
–Classic Interview: Milo Yiannopoulos, then an Associate Editor at Breitbart, joins David to talk about the Gamergate controversy and a scuff with video game developer Brianna Wu
–Caller asks which historical figure David would bring back to life
–Caller wonders whether David would go on The Joe Rogan Experience
–Caller asks if David would interview Noam Chomsky and whether art is improving over time, while artisan talent is declining
–Caller questions how to approach Mexican immigration to the United States
–Audience Questions: What warnings signs do you notice when someone is bad with money?
–Audience Question: What’s the most unethical thing you’ve been asked to do by your employer?
–Audience Question: What about the idea of just random drawings for deciding who will be our elected officials, with term limits?
–On the Bonus Show: Climate change is already a public health crisis, the FDA disputes that soy is heart-healthy, the mathematical impossibility of beating aging, and much more…
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