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November 17, 2014

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Today on The David Pakman Show / November 17, 2014

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On the Show:

–Sharon Gilbert, trained biologist and biblical scholar, joins David to discuss her belief that Ebola in West Africa is a sign of the end-times, and her belief that some biblical prophecies are true because of time travel

–Paid shills are publishing anti-net neutrality articles with no disclosure on their corporate backers

–Republicans are devastated as a new Gallup poll shows that Americans love their Obamacare

–The US is getting more liberal and conservatives are getting more conservative

–A court rejects a challenge to Obamacare contraception rules

–Noteworthy Amazon items

–Anonymous hacks and seizes a KKK Twitter account

–Ben Carson suggests stripping non-citizens of citizen ship for voter fraud

–Matt Taylor, a Rosetta comet landing scientist, apologizes for his “offensive” sexist shirt

–Fox lies again…claiming that the Keystone XL pipeline would create “tens of thousands” of jobs

–Voicemail on China climate deal

–On the Bonus Show: The government spends $10 million on an obesity video game, Steve Jobs refused to wear his oxygen mask because of it’s design, Europe’s cycling economy, more…

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