Today on The David Pakman Show / November 11, 2014
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On the Show:
–Gordon Klingenschmitt, former Navy Chaplain and recent Colorado State Representative-elect, joins David to discuss his 70-30 victory, his legislative goals, and whether lesbian exorcism will be part of his legislative platform
–Veteran’s day
–Obama wants to reclassify the internet as a public utility
–Ebola talks stop after the midterm elections
–Fox News’ Megyn Kelly accidentally drops an F-bomb with Mike Huckabee
–The wealth of the top 0.1% is about to overtake the bottom 90% for the first time since 1929
–Princeton Study: The US is no longer a democracy
–Barack Obama is a “homosexual Muslim married to a man”
–Ninety pounds of cocaine is found on a ship owned by Mitch McConnell’s family
–People’s ignorance makes them more conservative
–Voicemail on Alabama
–On the Bonus Show: Lowe’s introduces robotic employees, being mean makes you appear smarter, Russian’s are polled on the Berlin Wall, more…
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