Today on The David Pakman Show / May 31st, 2012
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On the Show:
–Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian from The Young Turks announce live that The David Pakman Show is joining The Young Turks Network.
–World View with Denis Campbell, Editor-in-Chief of UK Progressive Magazine, joins us to discuss the latest in Syria.
–A little kid sings an anti-gay song at Apostolic Truth Tabernacle church in Greensburg, Indiana.
–Famed atheist Richard Dawkins supports free bibles in schools.
–New Jersey man Wayne Carter threw his own intestines at police officers after stabbing himself.
–David gets a speeding ticket…how can he fight it?
–The last fundraising day for Our Blue Media, David makes a request, more.
–Louis suggests that we should have a draft system not only for police officers in the US, but also for elected officials, and the crew discusses it.
–Fox N’ Friends airs a 4-minute anti-Obama attack ad as “hard news” programming.
–US denies name change of high fructose corn syrup to corn sugar.
–Voicemail & email on Romney campaign misspelling America, Mitt Romney fundraising with Donald Trump, perception of wealth distribution, and more.
–On the Bonus Show: NYC ban on sugary drinks, college scholarships for rich kids, Bildeberg security, more.
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