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June 25, 2014

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Today on The David Pakman Show / June 25, 2014

MP3 Podcast: Subscribe now to access the full podcast & Bonus Show

On the Show:

–Wayne Allyn Root, American politician, entrepreneur, television and radio personality, political commentator and national best-selling author, joins David to discuss why raising the minimum wage is bad for both the economy and small businesses

–The U.S. Supreme Court bans warrantless cell-phone spying

–U.S. healthcare costs are high and life expectancy is low

–The capture of the Benghazi ringleader is being ignored by the media

–A New York City Federal Court District Judge rules that parents do NOT have the right to send their unvaccinated children to school

–Hatriot Mail

–Pat Robertson tells a listener to sell their demonically possessed house

–A 4-year-old foils her babysitter’s “black men robbed us” scheme

–Joseph Farah, birther conspiracy leader, is caught with a loaded gun in an airport

–Another Republican compares homosexuality to pedophilia

–Voicemail on bonus show troubles and Christian extremists

–On the Bonus Show: Guitarists exercise their right to carry, A federal judge deems the no-fly list unconstitutional, Detroit’s plan to shut off water to thousands, more…

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