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June 18, 2012

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Today on The David Pakman Show / June 18th, 2012

MP3 Podcast: Access the full podcast archive by becoming a David Pakman Show Member

On the Show:

–Obama administration to stop deporting younger undocumented immigrants and grant work permits, but it is not a path to citizenship.

–Mitt Romney refuses to say whether he would undo President Obama’s new immigration order four times in a row.

–The Daily Caller’s Neil Munro, who interrupted President Obama’s statement about immigration policy, claims he thought the President was finished with his statement.

–Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal attacks President Obama for “going the European way,” apparently forgetting that Mitt Romney went to France to avoid being sent to the Vietnam War.

–Michigan State legislator Lisa Brown gets banned from speaking for saying the medically correct term vagina.

–Fox N’ Friends co-host Gretchen Carlson walks off the set after a sexist remark by Brian Kilmeade, but it appears to be fake drama.

–Squid inseminates woman’s mouth.

–Texting while walking claims another victim as a woman falls off of a pier.

–5th grader Kameron Slade’s winning pro-marriage quality speech banned by New York school.

–High IQ in childhood predicts later drug use.

–Military suicide rate surges to nearly one per day in 2012.

–Texas executed the wrong man because he looked like the real murderer.

–Email on legalizing ecstasy, zombie bullets, IN law allowing shooting at police, more.

–On the Bonus Show: Ethiopia criminalizes Skype, Coke taking over the world, Madonna’s tour demands, more.

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