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July 4, 2012

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Today on The David Pakman Show / July 4th, 2012

MP3 Podcast: Access the full podcast & Bonus Show archive by becoming a David Pakman Show Member!

On the Show:

–It’s the 4th of July, so we’re talking patriotism and more!

–Analyzing whether Mitt Romney cares about American jobs and the economy, given that he made millions from the destruction of jobs through managed bankruptcies at Bain Capital, that he outsourced the production of so-called patriotic flag pins to China, and that he personally has held money in the Cayman Islands and Europe.

–The incredible sham that is the idea that Mitt Romney is a patriot.

–The 9/11 first responders bill finally passes, and we look at the tax loophole for foreign companies that kept it from passing initially, Shepard Smith being honest on Fox News, Democrats needing to expose who is really patriotic.

–It’s Labor Day, and Republicans are cheering bad jobs numbers with the hope of using them against Democrats.

–John Boehner says no to Obama’s jobs speech scheduling, but it seems Republicans should have allowed it and used it to their advantage…mistake?

–Senator Jim DeMint says it will be difficult to watch President Obama’s jobs speech, which brings up serious questions about his ability to be a Senator.

–The only thing worse than blind patriotism is fake patriotism, including on supporting the troops, wars, the President, 9/11, and more.

–John McCain is sponsoring a bill, S3081, which would allow for the indefinite detention of just about anyone without Mirandizing them or even charging them with a crime, period.

–Are French millionaires more patriotic than American millionaires?

–Fox news says the troops aren’t being treated well because they’re only getting a 1.4% pay increase, without mentioning any other reasons, like what wars we send them to, nor the causes for reduced pay increases.

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