Today on The David Pakman Show / July 15, 2013
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On the Show:
–Comments on the George Zimmerman verdict, guns and conservatism
–The Justice Department resumes it’s investigation of the shooting of Trayvon Martin to consider hate crime charges against George Zimmerman
–David recommends the book Red Gold by Alan Furst
–Edward Snowden is seeking temporary asylum in Russia
–Police officer monitoring cameras in Rialto, California reduced citizen complaints by 88%
–KTVU in Oakland runs fake Asiana pilot names on news broadcast
–Fox News contributor Erick Erickson directs liberals to a coat hanger sales site after an abortion bill passes in Texas
–Is it possible to imagine a face you have never seen before?
–Pat Robertson claims “thousands” of gays watch his show and want to leave homosexuality behind
–The United States Government now recognizes video games as professional athletes
–Texas republican Steve Toth says sex education causes pregnancy by making kids “hot and bothered”
–Voicemail on the eating habits of the poor and David’s hair
–On the Bonus Show: Followup to the Brazilian virgin auction, Worms that regrow heads, brains and memories, a victor in the human-powered helicopter challenge
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