Today on The David Pakman Show / January 30, 2014
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On the Show:
–Zack Kopplin, a science education activist working on a campaign for evidence-based science to be taught in science class and a reinvestment in science funding, joins David to discuss teaching creationism in science class
–The TPP fast track is blocked by Harry Reid
–Republicans cut food stamps while a record number of Americans are living in poverty
–Edward Snowden is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize
–Glenn Beck says the State of the Union address is where Obama declared he would become “America’s first dictator”
–Three inches of snow cause 20 hour traffic jams in Georgia
–A poll indicates that 60% of Americans value privacy over anti-terror protections
–How individual states are trying to stop the NSA
–It is easier to get past the TSA with weed than with water
–David turns 30 in the midst of an existential crisis
–Voicemail on Carl Gallups
–On the Bonus Show: Prince is at it again, The starvation experiment, Louis’ car gets towed again, more…
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