Today on The David Pakman Show / January 23, 2013
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On the Show:
–Zack Kopplin, student at Rice University fighting against teaching creationism in schools, joins David to discuss creationist voucher schools across the country and more.
–Politico runs a story saying Joe Biden is absolutely focused on running for President in 2016, and we discuss.
–Joe Biden gaffes, saying he’s proud to be President.
–British grandmother Lindsay Sandiford is sentenced to death in Indonesia for drug smuggling.
–NBC/WSJ poll shows that a majority, for the first time, want abortion to be legal.
–More details on the shooting at Lone Star College in Texas, where there are two shooters and four injured.
–A 4-year-old girl dies after being shot in the head by another child with a father’s gun.
–Ted Nugent claims that his ‘buddies’ are willing to start an armed revolt, and we update the countdown to Ted’s death or being jailed.
–Beyonce is caught lip-syncing the national anthem at President Obama’s 2013 inauguration, and David isn’t happy about it.
–Voicemail on gay people going to hell and Pat Robertson.
–On the Bonus Show: Teleportation breakthrough, French soldier photo sparks outrage, woman cryogenically frozen after death, more…
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