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December 8, 2017

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–On the Show:

–Classic Interview: “Jackie Keaton,” a former Time Warner Cable retention agent, joins David to discuss training and techniques employed by Time Warner to prevent people from canceling their service

–White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders confirms it is President Trump’s position that it would be okay for bakers to put up signs in their windows saying “we don’t bake cakes for gay weddings”

–Caller asks about the rise of the far right in Poland

–Caller has quite the conspiracy theory to share

–Caller presses David on why he won’t go vegan

–Caller thinks Trump’s narcissism is a threat to national security

–Caller asks about Stephanie Kelton and Modern Monetary Theory

–Caller wonders if Russian President Vladimir Putin will try to infiltrate future US elections

–Caller wants details on Michael Flynn’s Russia connections

–Audience Question: Does the Laffer Curve make any sense?

–Audience Question: Should it be easier to qualify for presidential debates?

–Audience Question: What are indicators of intelligence in social settings?

–On the Bonus Show: Eating healthy is better for the environment, man’s “do not resuscitate” tattoo stirs up an ethical debate, Amazon delivery driver caught defecating on a man’s driveway, and much more…

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