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December 5, 2018

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–On the Show:

–The conclusion to David’s interview with Steven Pearlstein, business and economics columnist at the Washington Post, Professor of Public Affairs at George Washington University, and author of “Can American Capitalism Survive, Why Greed is Not Good, Opportunity is Not Equal and Fairness Won’t Make Us Poor,” who joins David to discuss capitalism, inequality, and much more

–A sentencing memo from Robert Mueller indicates that indicted former Trump National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was so useful to the investigation that Mueller recommends just 0-6 months in prison for Flynn

–Close Trump adviser Roger Stone is pleading the 5th with regards to requests from the Senate Judiciary Committee, something that Donald Trump previously and regularly indicated is evidence of guilt

–This week’s Hatriot Mail debuts a new intro!

–Republican Senator Lindsey Graham admits to being a hypocrite on camera, saying that if Mike Pompeo and Jim Mattis were part of a Democratic administration, he’d think they were in the pocket of Saudi Arabia based on their recent comments

–Conspiracy theorist and internet “race realist” Stefan Molyneux slams David on Twitter

–Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are visibly confused as Donald Trump is unsure how to properly sign a new trade agreement while in Buenos Aires, Argentina for the 2018 G20 summit

–An angry voicemail caller is shocked by David’s “drivel” about sanctuary cities

–On the Bonus Show: Mexico’s President will fly commercial, Brett Favre tricked into recording antisemitic video, Charlottesville trial underway, much more…

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