Today on The David Pakman Show / December 30, 2014
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On the Show:
–John Lott, President of the Crime Prevention Research Center, and Evan DeFilippis, co-founder of Armed With Reason, join David to debate whether more guns actually reduce crime and whether most mass-shootings happen in gun free zones
–The war in Afghanistan formally ends
–Fox’s Anna Kooiman wonders if the metric system makes international flights unsafe
–Steve Scalise, the new Republican House Majority Whip, was an honored guest at a white supremacist convention
–Obama ties Ronald Reagan in public opinion polls
–Reviewing Pat Robertson’s 2014 predictions
–Jared Kreft, a 30-year-old Wisconsin man, is arrested for weed and performing oral sex on a horse
–Two Saudi women, Loujain al-Hathloul and Maysa al-Amoudi, are referred to “terror” court after driving cars
–An email on advertising medication on television
–On the Bonus Show: The Interview makes over $15 million online, a lack of sex education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Facebook’s “year in review” causes grief, more…
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