Today on The David Pakman Show / December 22, 2014
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On the Show:
–Gad Saad, Professor of Marketing at Concordia University and author of The Consuming Instinct and The Evolutionary Bases of Consumption, joins David to discuss the World Freedom of Thought Report
–Fact-checkers dismantle Dick Cheney’s pro-torture interviews
–A new proposed bill in Missouri, introduced by representative Rick Brattin, would require a woman seeking an abortion to have permission from the father
–Michele Bachmann says that “any normal human being” would be a Tea Party supporter
–Barbara Walters calls out David Koch when he says he is a social liberal
–Noteworthy Amazon items
–An analysis by PunditFact finds that over half of all statements made on Fox News are false
–Republicans are outraged over the Obama administration’s “college ranking” proposal
–Kansas is seeking the death penalty for Jewish community center shooter Glenn Miller
–Obama gets no credit as gas prices drop below a key threshold
–Voicemail on religion and torture
–On the Bonus Show: A Texas plumber’s truck ends up with terrorists in Syria, Putin named Russia’s “man of the year” for the 15th consecutive time, a NASA spacecraft wakes up near Pluto, more…
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