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December 14, 2017

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–On the Show:

–Jessica Pieklo, Senior Legal Analyst for Rewire, joins David to discuss the Supreme Court case “Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Rights Commission” regarding gay rights, religious liberty, and protected statuses

–The Federal Communications Commission, led by its Chairman Ajit Pai, is set to gut net neutrality today, which will allow internet service providers to prioritize, slow down, and block consumer access to websites

–Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) says that the Senate will not seat Senator-elect Doug Jones (D-AL) until the start of the new session in January 2018, prompting Democrats to try to delay a vote on the tax bill until Jones is seated

–Patreon cancels its planned restructuring changes that were crushing The David Pakman Show

–Notable discussions from The David Pakman Show Subreddit

–Konstantin Kozlovsky, a Russian who worked for the hacking group Lurk, claims to have stolen Hillary Clinton’s emails and hacked the DNC under the direction of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), run by the establishment regime of President Vladimir Putin

–Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) says to CNN’s Anderson Cooper that in the wake of Senator Al Franken (D-MN) resigning, President Trump too should resign over numerous sexual assault allegations

–Florida State Senator Doug Broxson introduces President Trump at a rally and says that the end times will soon come, prompting the crowd to cheer for their own deaths

–Voicemail from the Eggman who wants David to give the Keurig machine to Pat instead of destroying it

–On the Bonus Show: Omarosa fired from Trump’s White House, ancient penguins were as big as modern humans, Chuck Schumer files a police report over fraudulent allegations, and much more…

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