Today on The David Pakman Show / August 9, 2012
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On the Show:
–Ana Kasparian, Co-Host of The Young Turks, talks about an incredible new policy at Delhi Charter School in Delhi, Louisiana that forces female students to take pregnancy tests, and kicks them out if they either refuse the test, or turn out to be pregnant.
–World View with Denis Campbell, Editor-in-Chief of UK Progressive Magazine, joins us to discuss the economic impact of the Olympics on London, both during the Olympics outside of the Olympic village, and after the Olympics have come and gone.
–Rob Portman’s Wikipedia page has been scrubbed many times recently, suggesting both that he may be Romney’s VP pick, and that there are attempts being made to distance Portman from the Bush administration.
–Ann Coulter says that President Obama’s base is “stupid single women.”
–Dr. Melvin Morse, a 58-year-old pediatrician who has appeared on Oprah and Larry King’s shows as an expert on near-death experiences, has been arrested for allegedly waterboarding his own daughter multiple times.
–Jared Lee Loughner, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords’ shooter, pleads guilty in Arizona and gets a life prison sentence.
–Anti-gay Bryan Fischer says that children of same-sex couples must be saved through “underground railroad” kidnappings.
–Creationists for whom “intelligent design” isn’t enough are now pushing for “divine mathematics.”
–Email on Papa John’s Pizza raising prices due to Obamacare, Texas man with 61 IQ executed, Mitt Romney goes grocery shopping.
–On the Bonus Show: Olympic spectator arrested for not smiling, GOP Congresswoman pretends Romneycare doesn’t exist, NYPD’s new crime fighting system, more.
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