Today on The David Pakman Show / August 26, 2013
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On the Show:
–Obama gets heckled over the sentencing of Chelsea (Bradley) Manning
–Orders to destroy hard drives at The Guardian came directly from Prime Minister David Cameron
–Texas Lieutenant Governor, David Dewhurst, calls the police department seeking special treatment for a jailed relative
–Right wing gun enthusiasts threaten with literal bomb throwing
–Noteworthy Amazon items
–Australian baseball player, Christopher Lane, is shot and killed by three Oklahoma teens because they were “bored”
–The epic new North Korea special from Vice, documenting the Harlem Globetrotter’s visit
–An advertisement for online bible courses runs alongside our story on religious nuts
–Glenn Beck cries while talking about the plight of Coptic Christians in Egypt and says that “the Nazis are here”
–Art Robinson, new chair of the Oregon Republican Party, thinks that HIV might not cause AIDS and that climate change can be beneficial
–Mice have returned to David’s condo
–Anger over an unreleased Law and Order: SVU episode that attempts to combine the recent stories of Paula Dean and Trayvon Martin
–Voicemail on Michael Hastings and our interview with Ben Kinchlow of The 700 Club
–On the Bonus Show: A man miraculously comes back from the dead, Scientists can now read your brain, Desktop 3d scanners, more…
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