Today on The David Pakman Show / August 2, 2012
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On the Show:
–World View with Denis Campbell, Editor-in-Chief of UK Progressive Magazine joins us to discuss Mitt Romney’s plethora of European gaffes and more.
–Sarah Palin misunderstands the First Amendment AGAIN when talking about Chick-Fil-A boycott.
–The most deceptive Fox News graph in recent history, related to tax cuts for the rich.
–Heather Ann Kaminsky, a 30-year-old Florida woman, is accused of trading her baby for a pickup truck.
–Republican Congressman Steve King says that President Obama’s birth could have been faked with a “telegram from Kenya.”
–Republican Senator Mike Lee files an anti-abortion amendment…to the cyber security bill.
–Pentagon’s Missile Defense Agency warned employees to stop surfing porn sites.
–3 people bring guns to the newest Batman movie at the same time in a theater in Tennessee.
–Should you be able to flip off the police?
–Voicemail & email on police threatening Michelle Obama, white church won’t marry black couple, George Zimmerman saying it was God’s plan for him to shoot Trayvon Martin, and more.
–On the Bonus Show: Bar & restaurant density, lifeguard billed $2600 for ocean rescue, fixed Olympic boxing, much more.
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