Today on The David Pakman Show / April 9th, 2012
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On the Show:
–Ap Dijksterhuis, Psychology Professor at Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands, joins us to discuss how people make decisions, when more information actually leads to worse decisions, and much more.
–Supreme Court decides strip searches are okay, even after minor infractions.
–Could overturning Obamacare lead to single-payer healthcare?
–Mitt Romney criticizes President Obama for spending too much time at Harvard, even though Romney spent more time at Harvard than Obama.
–Armed Neo-Nazis patrolling the streets of Sanford, Florida after Trayvon Martin killing, Fox News calls them “civil rights group.”
–Fact checking the Trayvon Martin situation after David gets an angry email.
–“Stand Your Ground” now becomes a gun rights thing, not a self defense thing.
–Greek news presenter pelted with eggs and yogurt live on-air after hosting a right wing nut on the show.
–Morgan Freeman to marry his step-granddaughter.
–High school student uses profanity on Twitter, later gets expelled from high school.
–Voicemail from Anonymous, email on Google glasses, Jose Hernandez, cop shot 28 times, more.
–On the Bonus Show: Chinese kid sells kidney for iPad, grenades at Easter egg hunt, Tulsa shooting spree, more.
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