This Week on Midweek Politics with David Pakman / April 7th, 2010
Total Running Time: 60:00
MP3 Podcast: Available with entire Midweek Politics Archive for Members
This Week’s Topics:
-Chris Manz, Healthcare Correspondent, joins us live for the first installment of Democrastreet Wow.
-Angry Florida urologist Jack Cassell tells Obama supports to go elsewhere for urological care due to anger with the passed healthcare reform bill, is quickly shown by Alan Colmes that he does not know what is in the bill, but continues to repeat false talking points anyway.
–Congressman Alan Grayson goes a little too far by playing the race card, suggesting that Jack Cassell telling Obama supports to go elsewhere is the same as not treating African-Americans.
–Midweek Politics Producer Louis gets a healthcare quiz on the new bill, and does surprisingly well.
–A personal Scientology story from David Pakman, telling of a time when he was recruited by a Scientologist, and pitched to buy some L Ron Hubbard books.
–New oil and natural gas drilling announcements from the Obama administration, which will certainly fire up the base as Obama often refers to, but possibly in the wrong direction.
–Given that Republicans have already said they will not cooperate with the President as a result of his work on healthcare, will opening up a little bit of oil drilling really help his cause with the GOP?
–More Vatican hijinks, seemingly getting worse every week, with discussions of a possible Pope Benedict XVI subpoena, and a German Bishop appointed by the Pope implicated in the ritual beatings of children, PLUS a German hotline for Catholic sex abuse victims receives 4500 calls in the first day.
–Michelle Bachmann refers to the Census being used to put Japanese into internment camps during World War II as a reason why people should avoid filling out the 2010 Census.
–New radio and TV stations, a new poll on the Midweek Politics website related to healthcare, and viewer emails about Eric O’Neill, Arlen Specter, and CSPAN taking too many phone calls from African-Americans.
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