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April 17, 2019

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–On the Show:

–Donald Trump vetoes a resolution which would have stopped American support of the Saudi Arabian bombing campaign against Yemen

–The redacted Mueller report is expected out tomorrow, and Donald Trump’s staff is reportedly panicking over the possibility that Trump will find out they spoke to Mueller’s investigators

–This week’s Hatriot Mail

–Establishment Democrats are officially starting the “stop Bernie” campaign for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, and it’s quickly getting ugly

–Caller asks about how to get into economics

–Caller raises criticisms over Andrew Yang’s UBI proposal

–Caller asks about Andrew Yang’s CNN town hall

–Caller confronts David on the topic of Tulsi Gabbard’s 2020 presidential campaign

–Donald Trump’s Justice Department now claims that the emoluments clause to the Constitution does not apply to Donald Trump’s hotels

–Donald Trump refers to Fox News as “we” on Twitter, which makes quite a bit of sense

–Young voicemail caller thanks David for helping their family

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–On the Bonus Show: Trump trying to flip Minnesota, sleep myths continue to spread, GoFundMe scammer facing prison, much more…

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