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June 15, 2015

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Today on The David Pakman Show / June 15, 2015

MP3 Podcast: Subscribe now to access every podcast in our archive!


On the Show:

–Tina Seelig, Professor of the Practice at Stanford School of Engineering, where she teaches course on creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship, joins David to discuss whether creativity can be taught, and if there is such a thing as luck

–A scandal erupts as it is revealed that Rachel Dolezal, a black activist, is actually white

–Bernie Sanders gains on Hillary Clinton in a New Hampshire poll

–The shocking differences between Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul on healthcare

–Noteworthy Amazon items: Textbooks: Patient Studies in Valvular, Congenital and Rarer Forms of Cardiovascular Disease: An Integrative Approach

–Our Indiegogo fundraiser reaches the $20,000 mark, help us get to half:

–Steven Anderson, infamous pastor of the Faithful World Baptist Church in Phoenix, Arizona, prays that Caitlyn Jenner will die and go to hell

–A North Korean soldier walks across the DMZ and defects to South Korea

–Fox News contributor Cal Thomas ignores Bible polygamy while fear-mongering

–Voicemail from the Kansas troll on our response to a transgender dating question

–On the Bonus Show: Zimbabwe’s currency completely dies, new upscale Taco Bell restaurants, China takes drone use and standardized tests to the next level, more…

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