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— On the Show:
— Neil Howe, acclaimed historian, economist, demographer, and the New York Times bestselling author of “The Fourth Turning is Here” joins David to discuss Strauss-Howe generational theory. Get the book:
— An updated framework for Israeli-Palestinian peace
— Republicans seem to have forgotten that they were going to impeach President Joe Biden
— Candace Owens appears on Bill Maher’s podcast, and both say many things that make absolutely no sense
— Failed former President Donald Trump speakers in Derry, New Hampshire, declares himself Nelson Mandel, says that the Hungarian Prime Minister is actually the Turkish leader and much more
— Donald Trump is heckled outside his event in Derry, New Hampshire, and then claims he was not actually indicted
— Vegan voicemail caller wants to debate David about veganism and “eating animal flesh”
— On the Bonus Show: White House says Iran “actively facilitating” attacks on US military bases, Alex Jones must pay $1.1 billion of Sandy Hook damages despite bankruptcy, Apple cancels Jon Stewart’s show, much more…
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