Today on The David Pakman Show / May 17th, 2012
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On the Show:
–World View with Denis Campbell, Editor-in-Chief of UK Progressive Magazine, joins us to outline the path he sees for President Barack Obama to win re-election with 400 electoral votes.
–Mitt Romney refuses to mention George W. Bush’s name after Bush endorses Romney.
–For $24.95, George W. Bush will sell you his book on strategies for economic growth, which is hard to believe given that he destroyed the economy.
–Fox News contributor Monica Crowley indicates, in yet another instance of conservative projection, that President Obama is bigoted for suggesting that his name makes winning a Presidential election more difficult.
–New evidence pushing back against the notion that football head injuries lead to suicide.
–Overweight man Bill Wisth calls the police after being cut off by an all-you-can-eat restaurant.
–Kansas Governor signs bill allowing pharmacists and doctors to deny women birth control.
–Boxer Floyd Mayweather hits back against boxer Manny Pacquiao’s anti-gay-marriage statement.
–New study suggests coffee drinkers live longer…or does it?
–Email on church suing woman, baby removed from plane, teens sprayed with Lysol, much more.
–On the Bonus Show: Louis choked by stripper at strip club, men rob internet cafe caught with Facebook, artist cleared of raping twin baby daughters, more.
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